
Harry M. Wegeforth Elementary is a small neighborhood elementary school located in Serra Mesa. We are the Dance School! All children attending Wegeforth Elementary receive lessons in dance weekly, and perform in two dance presentations per year. We are currently expanding our dance program and bringing more neighborhood awareness to it, as Wegeforth is the only Dance School in the Serra Mesa cluster.

Approximately 40% of our students attend our school through the School Choice program. Many families speak a language other than English at home. Languages spoken include Spanish, Vietnamese, Persian, Chinese dialects, Japanese, Tagalog, Samoan, Korean, African dialects, Arabic and ASL.

We are proud to serve the individual needs of all our students. Over half of our students qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Approximately 16% are English Learners. Approximately 10% of our families have at least one parent who is on active duty in the military. Our CDC and extended-day program combined serve over 100 children.

We offer a comprehensive curriculum that is driven by Common Core State Standards. To prepare our students for higher education and a technological society, we continually strive to raise the achievements of all students. We help parents aid their children at home and at school. We promote daily school attendance and instill in all students a favorable impression of the school, teachers and education. Our school community focuses on success for all students, with the goal of creating students who are college or career ready by their senior year of high school.

Our teachers are provided with the opportunity to study and improve their instructional practices through Professional Learning Community meetings, observations in colleagues'classrooms, participation in study groups and direct training on specific instructional strategies.

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