We are pleased to inform you that the collection of LCFF data has moved to an electronic collection process. Parents, please visit the PowerSchool Parent Portal to access the electronic LCFF Form.
This information is required each year and will remain confidential because this is the mechanism for generating our Title 1 and LCFF funds. This information is also key in maintaining the free breakfast and lunch program at Wegeforth. It is crucial for Wegeforth's ongoing efforts for improving student outcomes for all parents to submit this information.
Please review the attached job aids which will guide you step by step in accessing the electronic form.
LCFF-Parent Portal Job Aid 20-21-Sp-1.pdf
If you have yet to create a parent portal and require assistance to set up your Parent Portal, please email Mrs. Cueva, our Elementary School Assistant, at [email protected].
Completing this task as soon as possible will be greatly appreciated by the entire Wegeforth community! Thank you for your time and collaboration.