What is the PTA?
Parent Teacher Association. The PTA is supported by Parents & Teachers.
Why should I become a member & Why do I pay dues?
By becoming a PTA member, you'll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education and your support for the Wegeforth PTA. Your membership dues pay for liability insurance and other legalities. We need insurance in order to have functions on school property.
Do I have to attend meetings?
No. We understand that not everyone can be at the meetings, we are just happy to know you support what we do by becoming a member.
Why we raise money?
The money that you and your students raise by purchasing T-shirts, snack sales and attending our fundraising events, goes towards many things! For example, we already have some great assemblies scheduled for your student throughout the school year. The PTA has already issued a $50.00 check to all the teachers to help pay for extra items they may need in their classroom. The list goes on. Basically, the PTA plays an important role in fundraising to provide building improvements, curriculum-based programs, and social events. All vital to a school's success.
How has money been spent in the past?
To purchase extra P.E. equipment, lighting to use at evening events, flags, the arbor by the library, and to pay for buses that are used for field trips. This year, we would like to purchase new lunch tables for our students. You may attend meetings and voice your opinions on how to spend money and share your ideas on student programs.
Can I be on the PTA Board?
Absolutely! The PTA is not a "clique', but parents that are able to donate their time. The PTA is committed to enhancing your student';s time at Wegeforth in addition to their academic commitments.
Are there other ways to help out?
You bet! You can be a volunteer for events or help a teacher. We can always use volunteers!
Can I make suggestions?
We would love to hear your ideas and comments. Because the PTA is a forum for exchanging ideas, you are encouraged to make suggestions. PTA can be a way for you to more effectively suggest change at school. If you can't attend a meeting, send a note to school for the PTA or send an e-mail to Wegeforth PTA - [email protected].
PTA Officers & Program Chairs
Julie Karle |
President |
Jennifer Pernicano |
Vice President |
Taeko Uchino |
Membership |
Alicia Buck |
Secretary |
Rie Sims |
Parlimentarian |
Prital Bhadra |
Financial Review |
Sheri Summers |
Treasurer |
Kristi Tague |
Historian |
Liz Delgado |
Social Media Coordinator |